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IWA/CC Minutes 3-5-2008

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Betty Warren, Audrey Delnicki, Barbara Kelly, Mario Marrero Jack Phillips, Carol Heffler,  

ALTERNATES PRESENT:             Roy Szoka sat for Jim Kupchunos                                 

STAFF PRESENT:                  Jeff Folger, Environmental Planner/Conservation Officer
                                       Kathy Middleton, Recording Secretary

Chairperson Warren called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM

Warren stated that she received correspondence from CT Land Use Academy and stated that it is a one day session and is held in Stamford, Groton, Berlin and Torrington.  It will be held in November.  

The minutes of December 12, 2007 were approved with corrections by consensus of the Commission.

Folger stated that the parking lot at Wapping Park and Clark Street is underway and hopefully it will be done in a week or so weather permitting.  They have determined a location for a crossing for the Podunk.  Warren asked if the Town would be funding a bridge.  Folger stated that they would.  They have come up with two methods.  One method would be using telephone poles or guard rails.  Kelly asked if they looked into the flatbed crossing.  Folger stated that they did and a lot of people are interested in doing it but they would have to figure out how to get one down there.  It could be an alternative.

Folger stated that sites have held up well.  There have been more issues with road sweeping than anything else.  Warren stated that Scantic River looks brown and asked where it was coming from.  Folger stated that it is coming from somewhere else and stated that we do not have any sites that are discharging directly into the Scantic.  

Appl. #08-05P – G&S Scrap Metal – 444 Nutmeg Road – Inland Wetland/Conservation Commission application for the construction of an industrial building, parking and storage yard, and associated improvements on property located northerly of Governors Highway and easterly of Nutmeg Road North. Industrial (I) Zone.

Galen Semperbon, P.E. and Executive Vice President for Design Professionals came before the Commission and stated that the site is lot 17 of the Executive Court Subdivision on the corner of Governor’s Highway and Nutmeg Road North.  This is a 10 acre lot as part of that subdivision.  The detention basin on Executive Court is to the east and the wetlands on the site run along the north side and along the west side where they discharge into a culvert under Nutmeg Road North.  The wetland swale ditch water course was relocated in the 70’s as part of an approval on the site.  The site is partially wooded and sparse with half grown vegetation.  There is one large pile of material on the site.

Semperbon stated that the application proposes to construct a 40,000 sq ft. building with associated parking areas and processing storage areas and truck docks for G & S Scrap metal.  G& S Scrap Metal is presently located on Route 5 in South Windsor and are looking to relocate to this site.  They are also proposing a large concrete pad in the rear of the property for processing of larger steel.  The proposed parking will be on the southern side with entrance on Nutmeg Road. There will be a large paved area which would be used for large bulk material.  

Water Quality is proposed as follows:
A swale was approved as part of the subdivision to run along the south and the application proposes to discharge a portion of the site such as the entrance drive, the limited parking and small amount of the paved area.  The outdoor storage and processing areas will be discharged into water quality basins located along the north side of the site and a second smaller basin located along the western side of the truck docks.  

Semperbon stated that the site is limited in grades and they are picking the building up about 4 ½ feet in some spots above the existing grade.  The site is flat and in order to get positive grade for drainage the site needs to be picked up.  

Semperbon stated that as part of the development they are looking to separate off a small 1.5 acre lot.  The original approval for lot 17 has right of access out to Governor’s Highway. They are looking to create a second lot which would have access out to Governor’s Highway.  They are not proposing to do any development on the 1.5 acre lot.  

Semperbon stated that impervious coverage on the lot is 54% or 4.6 acres.  There are 1.2 acres of wetlands on the site which fall on the 8.5 acre parcel.  They are requesting 70 sq. ft. of direct wetlands disturbance in the area of the outlet discharge and are asking for 1.91 acres of disturbance within the upland review area.  

Semperbon stated that he received comments from Town Staff and did not see any issues.  The applicant has agreed to maintain the area on the west side of the site in a natural condition.  The building would be utilized as a retaining wall to make up the grade.  The comment regarding the 25’ setback will have to be worked out with the Town Staff because they are restricted based on the truck maneuvering.  They feel they can pull back the basin to provide the setback but are not sure they can provide the full 25 feet but are willing to work with Folger to maximize what they can provide.  

Semperbon stated that they will provide a maintenance plan for the water quality basins and a planting plan for the small basin.  They are looking to carry over the planting plan for the large basin to the small basin.  Folger asked Semperbon if he thought he would have the hydrology for the small basin.  Semperbon stated that he would have to look at that because it looks like it could be more of a dry basin.  

Warren asked if they are detention basins or water quality basins.  Semperbon stated that they are strictly water quality basins which are designed to have a permanent pool of water in both basins.

Kelly asked Semperbon how he would handle the maintenance for the removal of accumulated sediment or debris.  Semperbon stated that it would be similar to any water quality basin.  During certain periods the pond would dry down and the sediment removal out of the pond is not something that is done every three or six months.  It is a longer time period.

Warren asked if there is a vortechnics unit.  Semperbon stated that they are on the outlet of the two detention basins.  Warren also asked if there was a maintenance plan in place.  Semperbon stated that in an effort to address the comments of Town Staff, they revised the plans and failed to put it on the plans but meant to. It will be added to the plans.  

Marrero stated that he visited the site and noticed that there is a lot of water in the pond and stated that it seemed like there wasn’t enough room for the water to get through.  Semperbon stated that the pipe is 24’ and picks up a large drainage area that goes all the way back to Ellington Road.  It flows through a detention basin.  The improvements to the detention basin have not been completed yet.  Semperbon stated that the orifice was supposed to be reconfigured and changed to mitigate the flows through the site.  The basin work will need to be done prior to the development of the site.  

Warren asked Folger if he had any additional comments.  Folger stated that he did not have any additional comments except to maintain the vegetation along the water course and maintaining a setback to the northeast.  Folger stated that if you look at the grades on the plan, that wetland is one of the highest points on the property and feels that the reason it maintains it hydrology is because it is in the middle of a large forested area.  So one of the comments that were made to Design Professionals was to provide an appropriate buffer that would equal the height of the adjacent trees to continue to provide shade to that wetland area.  Folger stated that they may have to do some dewatering for excavation.

Warren asked for public comment.  There were no public comments or concerns.

Public Hearing closed at 7:35PM

Motion to: approve with conditions – Appl. #08-05P – G&S Scrap Metal – 444 Nutmeg road – Inland Wetland/Conservation Commission application for the construction of an industrial building, parking and storage yard, and associated improvements on property located northerly of Governors Highway and easterly of Nutmeg Road North. Industrial (I) Zone.

1.      One blueprint copy of the entire set of plans and this letter reproduced thereon must be submitted to this Commission.  This must be completed within 65 days of approval prior to any construction activity on the site.  Plans submitted to Planning & Zoning Commission shall be considered having met this requirement.

2.      The application shall indemnify and hold harmless the Town of South Windsor against any liability, which might result from the proposed operation or use.

3.      The permit is valid for five years and shall expire on March 5, 2013.  It is the landowner(s)/applicant(s) responsibility to track expiration dates and notify the Commission of a renewal request at least 65 days prior to expiration.

4.      All approvals required must be obtained and submitted prior to any activity on the site.

5.      A contact person shall be identified on the plans.

  • We recommend a bond in the amount of $20,000 be submitted to the Planning & Zoning Commission for
compliance with erosion and sediment control measures and a bond in the amount of $25,000 for
storm water structures.

7.      Grading needs to be eliminated on southwest corner of building and natural vegetation must be retained.  Final design to be approved by Town Staff.

8.      A storm water inspection and maintenance plan language must be added to the plans.

9.      Applicant shall create a 25’setback along the watercourse to the north, to be review and approved by Town Staff.

Was made by: Commissioner Heffler
Seconded by: Commissioner Phillips
The motion carried
The vote was unanimous

Appl. #08-09P – Maneeley’s Site Plan – 136 Commerce Way – Conservation Commission application for the construction of an industrial building, parking and associated improvements on property located southerly of Commerce Way. Industrial (I) Zone.

Tim Coons of JR Russo Associates came before the Commission representing Bruce A. Maneeley Real Estate and presented the application and stated that the site is at 130 Commerce Way and is 30,000 sq. ft.  They are proposing a 7,000 sq ft office building with a warehouse to the rear and an access drive off of Commerce Way.  The site sewer is serviced by municipal water and sewer.  They are proposing an onsite drainage system which will collect the runoff in all impervious areas and will be routed through a storm water treatment unit prior to discharge into the existing drainage system in Commerce Way.  Erosion controls being proposed include a 24 x 50 foot construction entrance off Commerce Way as well as installation of sediment barriers.  A temporary topsoil stock pile will be provided at the rear of the property.  The impervious is diverting into the drainage system.  There is 60% impervious coverage where 65% is allowed.  The areas will be re-graded and seeded with lawn mix and maintained in its current state.  

Marrero noticed that there was a lot of ponding.  Coons stated that everything will flow toward Commerce Way.

Warren asked Folger if he had any comments or concerns.  Folger stated that the site is flat with sandy soils and the perimeter controls are adequate and they are providing onsite treatment.

Warren asked if the proposal is part of the Maneeley operation.  Coons stated that he is anticipating running a catering business.  

Szoka asked why they are replacing the building on the actual site itself because the building sticks so far out.  Coons stated that because the sanitary sewer and lateral is so high that the building has to be built up because the further back the building is placed, the more fill that would need to be used.  

Warren asked for public comment.  There were no public comments or concerns.

Motion to: approve  Appl. #08-09P – Maneeley’s Site Plan – 136 Commerce Way – Conservation Commission application for the construction of an industrial building, parking and associated improvements on property located southerly of Commerce Way. Industrial (I) Zone.

1.      One blueprint copy of the entire set of plans and this letter reproduced thereon must be submitted to this Commission.  This must be completed within 65 days of approval prior to any construction activity on the site.  Plans submitted to Planning & Zoning Commission shall be considered having met this requirement.

2.      The application shall indemnify and hold harmless the Town of South Windsor against any liability, which might result from the proposed operation or use.

3.      The permit is valid for five years and shall expire on March 5, 2013.  It is the landowner(s)/applicant(s) responsibility to track expiration dates and notify the Commission of a renewal request at least 65 days prior to expiration.

4.      All approvals required must be obtained and submitted prior to any activity on the site.

5.      A contact person shall be identified on the plans.

  • We recommend a bond in the amount of $3,000 be submitted to the Planning & Zoning Commission for
compliance with erosion and sediment control measures.

Was Made by: Commissioner Heffler
Seconded by: Commissioner Phillips
The motion carried
The vote was unanimous

Kelly asked that a letter be submitted to the Town Council in support of prioritizing the stabilization of the detention basin to help with the water quality and sediment load to the Scantic River. The Commission members agreed.

Motion to:  Submit a letter to the Town Council in support of prioritizing the reconstruction of the detention basin for water quality and sediment load to the Scantic River.

Was made by: Commissioner Kelly
Seconded by: Commissioner Heffler
The motion carried
The vote was unanimous
Kelly and Phillips reported on the CAWS Annual Meeting that they attended and stated that it was very informational and the majority of it offered useful information.  Heffler asked if an agenda could be handed out to Commissioners who did not attend a conference and give a summary of what was talked about.

Folger stated that a representative from Exxon Mobile will be coming to the next meeting on March 19, 2008 to talk about water quality practices and what type of safety procedure they have in place.  The Commissioners discussed a good time for them to give their presentation and it was agreed to have them come at 6:30.

Folger handed out a budget statement to the Commission members.  Folger stated that some of the items they purchased were a roll of printer paper for the map blotter as well as some ink, which they pitched in money with the engineering department to purchase.  One issue was the advertising line item which Folger explained that even though they are over budget for this they will still be able to advertise legal notices because it is legally required to do so.  Heffler asked if we should increase the fees.  Folger stated that normally we bring in more fees than what we pay.  It was noted by Delnicki that there was $29.00 taken out of the Professional budget line item for a Commission member that is on the Zoning Board of Appeals.  The recording secretary was asked to contact the finance department and have that money removed from the wetlands budget to the zoning budget.


Motion to: adjourn the meeting at 8:14 PM

Was made by Commissioner Heffler
Seconded by Commissioner Phillips
The motion carried
The vote was as follows: unanimous

Respectfully Submitted,

Katherine J. Middleton
Recording Secretary